
RaspberryPI ver.1-B control the Rovi with a PiRoCOn 1.3 card by 4tronix
The PI have also control of the PiCam directly
and mount a WebIOPI 0.7 webserver that allow to remote control throught webinterface the Rovi
All saved in

Separatly Test was made with an accelerometer-gyroscope BerryIMU too.


The next step: Rovertino_v2?
Raspberrypi3 (with Raspbian/Pixel)
Motor Control by RoboHAT by 4tronix (GPIZERO / PiCamera)
joystick control (
Speak and voice recognition (Alexa or Google?)
OpenCV 3.0 LTS for PiCamera special control
some info debug onboard with a SPI conneCted OLED mini display
Updated Webserver remote control (maybe rpi3-webiopi or Cayenne?, Flask? Tornado?)


The last things (really future)
Integration of BerryIMU and odometry
Porting on ROS Kinetic